inspiration & poetry

The Courage to Look Beyond
Linda Morin, Author
Three years. Not really a long time, but when one’s life is turned upside down, over and over again, when one battles a life-threatening disease, cancer, undergoes several surgeries, experiences loss, pain, conflict and much more, one wonders if the three years is more like an eternity. For Linda Morin, those three years were the most traumatic and life-sapping years of her life. And, yet, she came through it all with great courage.
She fought her battle with cancer, her battle with difficult relationships, her battle with custody issues, her battle against her son’s medical problems. Linda is a strong person. She had to be to survive; and she is a survivor.
Follow Linda’ s journey to wellness in her heartrending story, The Courage to Look Beyond. Learn, with Linda, how a woman can accept herself with or without breasts.
Learn, too, that breasts do not make the woman.
L'Amazone aux mille morceaux
Nathalie Tremblay Aquilina, Author
Diagnosed with stage 3 aggressive breast cancer in 2008, Nathalie channeled her anxieties through writing and painting. In her collection of french poetry, "L'Amazone aux mille morceaux", there is anger, fear, apprehension, complicity, love and courage ... Many of the feelings and emotions that mark the journey of a fight against cancer. This collection of "therapeutic" poems trace the ordeal that overcame the author by delivering a message of hope to those faced with this difficult struggle.
Diagnostiquée avec un cancer du sein agressif de stade 3 en 2008, Nathalie a canalisé ses angoisses par l'écriture et la peinture. Dans son recueil de poésie, "L'Amazone aux mille morceaux", se côtoient la colère, la peur, l'appréhension, la complicité, l'amour et le courage… Autant de sentiments et d’émotions qui jalonnent le parcours d’un combat contre le cancer. Ce recueil de poèmes « thérapeutiques » retrace après-coup l’épreuve qu’a surmontée l'auteur en délivrant un message d’espoir à toute personne menant cette lutte difficile.