March News
& Events
What's In-Store at Look Beyond Mastectomy Boutique this month?

Tuesday, march 12th 2019 | WORKSHOP
Save the date for our March workshop on the benefits of auto massage with Christine Labrie Marshall:
What is Reflexology?
Reflexology is the study of reflexes. Reflexology therapies are natural therapeutic methods derived from this study based on the principle that there are reflexes in the body that map to other parts, glands, and organs of the body. Through the application of pressure on these reflexes using specific hand and finger techniques, reflexology therapy can relieve tension, Support the body’s efforts to function optimally and improve circulation.
I would like to share with you the benefits of auto massage. We do this with our hands, arms and neck area. Also with breathing and color focus. This technique works on the lymphatic system, nervous, endocrine and our all around well being.
About Christine
Christine is a dedicated Registered Canadian Reflexology Therapist (RCRT) and a member of Reflexology Association of Canada (RAC). Christine is constantly challenging her body and mind from crafts to the physical. She holds a belt in many different disciplines such as ju-jitsu, brazilin JJ and kickboxing, and has taught fitness, weights and kickboxing at her local YMCA for over 5 years.
Christine first became interested in Reflexology while looking for something to go with her retirement plan. She went to a health and wellness expo in 2013 and sat in a reflexology therapist chair. That peeked her curiosity of Reflexology enough to get registered for training. Christine is now a certified Reflexology therapist with RAC (Reflexology Association of Canada) since 2016. Christine provides treatments from her home in Rockland in the evenings and on weekends upon request. She also offer a Mobile service where I come to you.
You can visit Christine's website at www.healinghandsbychris.com or Facebook healing hands by Chris. Christine looks forward to sharing this non-evasive technique with every one of you.
WHEN: Tuesday, March 12, 2019
TIME: 6:15 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
WHERE: Look Beyond Mastectomy Boutique, Bell's Mews Plaza - 2039 Roberston Road, Ottawa
Seating is very limited
Please RSVP to: 613-422-4331 or email: lookbeyondboutique@outlook.com

Tuesday, march 26th 2019 |
healing circle for women
Join us in a healing circle led by Linda Morin, owner of Look Beyond Mastectomy Boutique and Author of the Courage to Look Beyond, as we move outside our normal sense of space and time, into a safe haven. The healing circle opens a portal allowing us to connect to a deeper wisdom within, to the power of community, love, and healing intentions around us.
Then speaking from our truth, both from our brokenness and our wholeness, we discover our present centered healing intentions. Listening to others around the circle with patience and compassion allows the healing to occur.
This workshop is open to all women who fear cancer or who have experienced or is still currently experiencing any form of cancer. We also invite any women struggling with anxiety, fear and any other disease or health concern. Caregivers are also welcomed to join us.
When: Tuesday, May 26, 2019
Cost: Free
Time: 6:15pm to 7:30pm
Location: Look Beyond Mastectomy Boutique, Bell Mews Plaza, 2039 Robertson Road, Ottawa
Call 613-422-4331 or email lookbeyondboutique@outlook.com to pre-register.
Seating is limited
Catch our Feb 25th interview with CTV Morning Live here:
Going on vacation this Winter OR SIMPLY JUST preparing for warmer weather? Come in to see our beautiful new collection of bathing suits.
happy international women's day!

On March 8, 2019 the world will celebrate International Women's Day. This is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity.
This year's theme is Better the balance, better the world. How will you celebrate women's achievements on Friday March 8, while calling for a more gender-balanced world?
Smoothie Recipe of the Month
This month's green alkalizing smoothie is in honour of St. Patty's day on March 17th! Look Beyond Boutique carries Onia Moringa powder, a dried leaf superfood which offers more than 90 phytonutrients, 46 antioxidants and 36 anti-inflammatory agents. It also benefits the body with cell ready vitamins, essential minerals, omega 3, 6 & 9 and digestible proteins.
Simply add 1/2 tsp to any smoothie to enjoy the amazing benefits of Moringa.
March Moringa Madness:
3/4 cup (180ml) coconut water (or filtered water)
2 cups (88g) spinach
1 medium avocado, peeled and pitted
1/2 English cucumber, roughly chopped
1 teaspoon finely grated lime zest
1 lime, peeled and halved
5 drops alcohol-free liquid stevia, plus more to taste
1/2 tsp (2.4g) Moringa powder
2 cups (250g) ice cubes
Place ingredients into your blender on high for 30 to 60 seconds until smooth and creamy. Enjoy!